Today is swap day. Swapping is when you make a certain amount of cards and then you swap them with another demonstrator for their card. Then you have ideas to bring home and re-create or create your own idea from theirs. I am in two organized swap. One is a group that I have been in with other demostrators for years called SUDSOL and the other is a smaller one (24 cards) that I found online. The Sudsol card is using ONLY products from the SU Occasions catalog.
Colors are Wild Wasbi, Pacific Point, Daffodil Delight, Rose Red and Whisper White |
The second swap is using ONLY products from Sale-A-Bration catalog.
Colors are Coastal Cabana, Silver, Calpyso Coral |
When you spend $50 in products either from the annual catalog or Occasions catalog you can earn a free product from the Sale a Bration Catalog. You can order online
here If you want to order thru me directly please contact me thru the email address at my
online website.
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